Cards part 3
I return to those cards. I think it's quite important since I haven't fully fleshed out my ideas with types and card application.
So far we have Item cards and Feat cards defined. They are two different groups, different by their limitation and use:
Item cards are limited in application. A weapon item card can be held in one or two hands, so a character is limited by their hands - likely 1 or 2 weapon cards can only be used at once. Similarly, you can only ride and benefit from a single mount, a single helmet and a single breastplate. These would all be sub-classes of Items: Weapon, Armour, Mount, likely further divided into the Shield, Helm, Breastplate, Single-handed, Two-handed and so on. Each type needs a clear identity that makes it different from another type, rather than grouping by flavour. A wooden shield wouldn't be a type as it has no difference to other shields other than its core attributes. All shields would use a single hand slot.
Feat cards are unlimited. A character always applies their feat cards in all situations, be they bonuses to attributes, requisites to access areas or just a title. Feats could be a resource to ascertain the level of a character - their experience and age, rather than some time counter or points.
What's missing from the puzzle? What else can we identify from a character that can be objectified and differentiated? Race and occupation, acquisitions, blessings and curses?
A characters Race card could be quite important, but only if each race had a different effect - such as statistics variance, slot allowance, reputation, animosity?
Occupations, or class would apply skills and bonuses to a character - a soldier would have improved endurance and skills in survival and combat from their job. What about an ex-solder that became a ranger? How could occupations be split between experience and current assignment? Experience card? Training card?
Acquisitions are similar to Items, but items can be defined as used on character while acquisitions may be regarded as property - land, buildings, contracts, minions.
Blessings and curses. I imagine gifts from creatures or beings that are extra-ordinary, but how do these stand differnt to items? By slot?
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